Merry Christmas everyone! Hope you're all having a great festive time, not too much sherry! With the festive season upon us, many of us may be opening presents to new astronomy gear! or maybe a book on the stars? and with winter being one of the best times of year to observe the skies, having some spare time to look up and observe. So whats up there right now? Well only a few days ago we hit the winter solstice, Tomorrow Dec 26th we'll have our last full moon ,accurately named "Cold moon" Lets hope for clear skies. This year we've seen some great discoveries in our skies, from Mercury Shrinking to Enceladus shooting out key organic compound! Which we had the delight of a great talk from Dr Chris Arridge in June.

- Rich Addis,Wirral, Photocomp, 2022 , Moon We have a lot to look forward to in 2024 as we continue to observe and understand more about our universe. I hope to see many of you at our monthly meetings and what great talks we'll have. I'd like to thank all of our speakers we've had this year, as we look forward to next year. And other great astronomical discoveries that await us! Merry Christmas and a Happy new year! from the Chester Astronomy Society!