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Comet C/2023 A3 Tsuchinshan-ATLAS looking good for October


It is possible that we might have a reasonable view of a comet next month.

C/2023 A3 was discovered in 2023 January and it comes to perihelion on September 27 when it will be only 0.39 au from the Sun (about the mean distance of Mercury). After perihelion it reaches solar conjunction on October 9 when the elongation is only 4 degrees and then makes its closest approach to the Earth on October 12 when it will be 0.47 au away in the constellation of Virgo. At its brightest the comet will be low in a twilight sky. From the UK there is a small chance of seeing it pre-conjunction in the morning but the best views will probably be had post-conjunction. There is a possibility that the comet will be at a negative magnitude as it emerges into the evening sky from October 10 onwards.

This is part of an article about the comet which is on the open area of British Astronomical Association website. The whole article can be read here.

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