Greetings ! This post is to outline the planned CAS observation evening that, weather permitting, we will hold on Friday, 21st October 2022.
Start time : 1900 hours for those wishing to set-up ; 2000 hours for all others
End time : 2359 hours.
Location : Location details are available in the CAS Website Members area
General Notes :
1) This observing evening is for CAS Members and their Guests. Children are welcome providing that they
are accompanied by a responsible adult at all times.
2) Please remember that walking around a field in the dark is not without its risks. CAS Members and their Guests attending the observation evening should take reasonable and appropriate steps to protect themselves, other people and to look after their own property.
3) Whilst we will have a number of telescopes on display, please bring along your own telescope and/or binoculars if you can.
4) Toilet facilities will be open.
5) We suggest that you bring along a torch with a red light if at all possible. Please note that normal torches will limit your own night vision and also the night vision of other people ! You may possibly want to consider downloading a red light/night vision app (e.g. Light for Night Vision) from the Google/Apple store.
6) Remember that the key to successful star-gazing is based upon i) warm clothing, ii) a deckchair or similar and iii) patience – it takes time for your eyes to “night-adapt”
7) If you bring your own drinks etc., please make sure that the containers / cups etc are non-breakable…we do not want to leave any broken glass or pottery on the field.
Cancellation Procedure : This observation evening is dependent upon the weather and may have to be cancelled at short notice if viewing conditions are poor. If cancellation is necessary, we would hope to issue the appropriate notice by 1800 hours on 21st October 2022.
Please check the CAS website and/or your e-mail before setting out.
I hope to see you Friday 21st and let's hope for good weather and an excellent night's viewing !