February 18, 2005 Opportunity used its panoramic camera to take the images combined into this mosaic view of the rover. The downward-looking view omits the mast on which the camera is mounted. It shows Opportunity's solar panels to be relatively dust-free. The images were taken through the camera's 600-, 530- and 480-nanometer filters during Opportunity's 322nd and 323rd martian days, or sols (Dec. 19 and 20, 2004).
Credit NASA/JPL-Caltech/Cornell
I see I'm observing too thought its not the best time to be doing that so near the Summer solstice. not very dark, especially with the light pollution in Chester.
This makes my recent holiday snaps look a bit feeble.😉
Maybe its >3?
Still Observing. I wonder how many posts are needed until I can get promoted.
I noticed that my current status is set to Observing. I'd like to become a shooting star from my blog comment contributions to the community.